Storyboard Pro 7.0.2 Release Notes
The following is a list of changes in Storyboard Pro 7.0.2, build (2020-07-06):
- The video track section retains its size when increasing and decreasing the height of the Timeline. This mimics the behavior from previous versions of Storyboard Pro.
- New exportToHarmony scripting interface in the ExportManager class to export scenes to Harmony. The script TB_ExportToHarmony.js is packaged with the application as an example.
- ExportManager settings that are supported by multiple export functions are now shared. See the Generic export settings section of the ExportManager class in the scripting interface documentation.
- Burn-in options from various export dialog are now available when exporting through scripting. The following are now available in the Generic export settings section of ExportManager class in the scripting interface documentation.
- Options to burn-in captions are now available in the ExportManager class. See the Caption burn-in settings section of the scripting interface documentation.
- New setFBXExportDestination and setFBXExportNamingPattern slots in the ExportManager class. See the FBX specific settings section of the ExportManager class documentation.
- New setVideoTrackSelection scripting interface to select a video track using its name.
Sample code:
Select the video track named V2:
var sm = new SelectionManager();
Select the Storyboard (panel) track:
var sm = new SelectionManager();
- Added the ability to apply blurs to layers from scripting. The following functions were added to the LayerManager class.
- It is now possible to disable layer animation through scripting using MotionManager.setLayerAnimated.
Sample code:
var sb = new StoryboardManager();
var mm = new MotionManager();
var panelId = sb.panelInProject(6);
mm.setLayerAnimated(panelId, 0, false);
- Added the setExpandRenderAreaToCamera option when exporting to XML and AAF for conformation through scripting. See the FCP XML/AAF specific settings section in the ExportManager class.
- A hidden preference was added to allow the selection and manipulation of artwork on hidden layers.
Use the following script in the sandbox to enable. Storyboard Pro might need to be restart for the change to take effect:
preferences.setBool( "HIDDEN_LAYER_SELECTABLE", true );
Fixed Issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release:
- The selected movie format resets to H.264/MPG4 every time the Export Movie window is opened on macOS. SB-3273
- Renaming panels sequentially for the whole project using the TB_RenamePanelProject script, can result in incorrect panel names if panel and scene names are locked. SB-2077
- Rare crash when exporting to Harmony with Apply transformation on Drawings enabled. SB-3289
- Hidden layers are included in scenes when exporting to Harmony. SB-3269
- macOS: Random crashes when using the select tool in the Stage or Camera view while full scene antialiasing is enabled. SB-3267
- Export to Bitmap and Export to Layout commands overwrite files without warning when exporting a subset of panels. SB-3266
- Generating a PDF using the Preview button in the PDF Export view takes a long time on large projects. SB-3262
- Storyboard Pro sometimes freezes when stopping playback or scrubbing in the Timeline with audio enabled. SB-3259
- Captions written in Japanese don't spread properly when exporting to PDF. SB-3250
- Copying a scene changes the Z value if the camera Z position is 1.0 SB-3164
- The Split Current Scene command is not available in empty frames between panels. SB-2959
- FunctionManager.addCtrlPointAfterPath3d changes the point before the one inserted. SB-3270
- The scene.saveAs scripting interface does not work properly. SB-2818
- Renaming panels using the TB_RenamePanelByScene or TB_RenamePanelProject scripts, while panels and scenes names are locked, can result in incorrect panel names. SB-2077
Crash may occur when attempting to delete a control point with the Centerline Editor. SB-1750
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