You can easily install WebCC as a Windows service using the Configuration Wizard. It will launch as soon as the machine boots, under user usabatch.
NOTEThe following steps indicate how to make the WebCC server service launch on boot, via the user usabatch, who will have administrator privileges. If you prefer, you can make the database server launch on log-in as the logged-in user. For more information, see Running the Database Server on Log-In on macOS.

- In the Start menu, open the Programs menu and select Harmony 16.0 Premium > Tools >
Configuration Wizard.
When prompted, enable Configuration Wizard to make changes to your device.
The Toon Boom Harmony Configuration Wizard launches.
- In the list of tasks, right of Harmony Web Control Center Server, click on ....
- In the ensuing dialog, under Do you wish to install the Harmony Web Control Center Server?, select Yes.
- Click on Next.
Click on Finish to confirm the changes.
The WebCC service is now installed and should be running. You can test that it works by launching a web browser and going to the following address:
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