The traditional way of running a WebCC server is by running the server as a Windows service. This means it launches and allows clients to connect as soon as the machine is booted, without any user being signed-in.
Using Service Launcher, it is possible to configure your WebCC server to only launch as the currently logged-in user, when they log in. This means that WebCC will only be accessible if the user configured to run it is logged in.
Although this may seem impractical, it may be preferable for security reasons. Services installed with the Configuration Wizard are run under the user usabatch, an user with administrator privileges which is created by Configuration Wizard to launch the services. When using Service Launcher, the logged-in user does not need to have administrator privileges to run services.
Before configuring Service Launcher to run the WebCC server, the windows service that launches it must be disabled, so as to avoid launching two instances of the WebCC server simultaneously.

- Open the Start menu and, in the Programs menu, select Harmony 16.0 Premium > Tools >
Control Panel.
- When prompted, allow Control Panel to make changes to your device.
In the Process Starter drop-down, select HarmonyStarter0-webcc.bat.
NOTEThe number after HarmonyStarter may be different, depending on how many Harmony services were installed before this one. - Click on Stop.
Click on Remove.
From that point on, the WebCC server service will no longer launch on boot.
- Close the Control Panel.

Make sure you are currently signed-in as the user who will run the service.
NOTEThis user will need to be logged in for the service to be running. The user does not need to have administrator privileges.
Do one of the following:
- If Service Launcher is not running, open the Start menu and, in the Programs list, select Harmony 16.0 Premium > Tools >
Service Launcher.
- If Service Launcher is already running, click on its icon
in the notification tray.
The Service Launcher application launches.
- If Service Launcher is not running, open the Start menu and, in the Programs list, select Harmony 16.0 Premium > Tools >
- In the Application parameters section of the Preferences tab, make sure that the Launch on login option is checked, so that services configured in Service Launcher automatically launch when you log in to your account.
- Select the WebCC tab.
- Check the Launch when Service Launcher starts option.
- To make sure users must enter their password when logging in to WebCC, check the Authentication option.
- By default, WebCC will use port 8080. If you want to use a specific port to connect to WebCC, type it in the Port field.
- Click on Launch to verify that WebCC launches successfully through Service Launcher using the selected parameters.
In the top menu, select Server > Save All Settings.
From now on, the WebCC server will launch through Service Launcher when you log in.
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