Installing Harmony on Windows is a straightforward process consisting mostly of running the installation wizard, then activating the product.
Installing Harmony Dependencies on Windows
On Windows, some features of Harmony rely on the following software:
- Windows Media Player must be installed to enable Harmony's audio and video transcoding capabilities. On most consumer versions of Windows, it is installed by default.
- QuickTime Player is required if you want to export or import movie files in QuickTime Movie (.mov) format. Otherwise, Harmony will only be able to export movie files in Windows Media Video (.wmv) format and will not be able to import movie files at all. However, the application does not need QuickTime Player to launch and can be used without it.
- Adobe Reader is required on Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 in order to read PDF documents. It can also be installed on Windows 10, but Windows 10 is bundled with Microsoft Edge, which can be used to read PDF files.
NOTE: Windows Media Player is not supported on Windows 7 Starter and Windows 7 Home Basic.

To install Adobe Reader, follow the instructions are the following address:

To install QuickTime Player, download and run the installer from the following address:

- Windows Media Player is pre-installed on most versions of Windows, but may be disabled. Follow these steps to make sure it is enabled.
- Open the Windows Control Panel:
- On Windows 7: Open the Start menu and select All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Control Panel.
- On Windows 8.1 or Windows 10: Open the Start menu and, in the programs list, select Windows System > Control Panel.
- From the Control Panel, go to Programs > Turn Windows features on or off.
- In the list of Windows features, find and expand the Media Features option. Windows Media Player should listed under Media Features. If either of these options are not listed, see below.
- Ensure both the Media Features and Windows Media Player check boxes are checked.
- Click OK.
- Wait for the installation to finish.
- Restart Windows.
- If Media Features or Windows Media Player is not listed in the available features, make sure your edition of Windows supports it. If it does, it may be added by installing the Media Feature Pack for Windows. To do this, click on the link corresponding to your version of Windows and follow the instructions:
Media Feature Pack for Windows 7:
Media Feature Pack for Windows 8:
Media Feature Pack for Windows 10:
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