How to return a server license via email in a terminal on GNU/Linux
- Open a Terminal.
In the terminal, type in the following command to display information on your activated server licenses:
$ sudo /usr/local/ToonBoomAnimation/[product name][Edition]_[version]/lnx86_64/bin/ServerActivation -batch -list | grep -A 7 'Trust Flags:'
The utility will output detailed information about each installed license including each license's Fulfilment ID, in this format:
Trust Flags: FULLY TRUSTED Fulfillment Type: PUBLISHER ACTIVATION Status: ENABLED Fulfillment ID: <fulfillment id> Entitlement ID: <product code> Product ID: NAME=<product>;VERSION=<product version> Suite ID: NONE Expiration date: <expiration date>
Make note of the Fulfilment ID for the license you want to return.
Type in the following command to generate your activation request:
$ /usr/local/ToonBoomAnimation/[product name][Edition]_[version]/lnx86_64/bin/ServerActivation -batch -return <fulfilment ID> -gen <request filename.xml>
- Replace <fulfilment ID> with the fulfillment ID of the license you want to return, obtained in the previous step.
- Replace <request filename.xml> with the path and name of the XML file in which you want to save your activation request.
The utility will generate a license request file in XML format, in the specified location and with the specified file name.
- You will now need to send the license request file to Toon Boom by email. If your machine has no internet access, use a removable storage device to move the request file to a machine that has internet access.
- In an email client, write a new email and add the activation request to it as an attachment. Then, send the email to
- Wait for the response. You will typically receive your response within one business day.
- The response will have a license file attached. Download this license file.
- If your product is on a different machine than the one you use to send and receive email, use a removable storage device to move the license file to the machine on which the product is installed.
In a terminal, type in the following command:
$ sudo /usr/local/ToonBoomAnimation/[product name][Edition]_[version]/lnx86_64/bin/ServerActivation -batch -process <response file.xml>
Replace <response file.xml> with the path and name of the XML response file you received by email.
If successful, the utility will output the message SUCCESSFULLY SENT RETURN REQUEST at the end of the procedure.
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