How to add firewall exceptions for the license server executables on Windows
- Open the Start menu and, in the Programs list, select Windows System > Control Panel.
- Click on System and Security.
- Click on Windows Defender Firewall.
Click on Advanced settings.
The Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security window opens.
- In the list to the left, select Inbound Rules.
In the Actions list to the right, select New Rule.
The New Inbound Rule Wizard appears.
- Under What type of rule would you like to create?, select Program, then click on Next.
- Under Does this rule apply to all programs or a specific program?, select This program path:.
- Click on Browse...
In the Open dialog, browse to and select lmgrd.exe, in the following location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Toon Boom Animation\Toon Boom [Product Name] [Version] [Edition]\win64\bin\lmgrd.exe
- Click on Open.
- Click on Next.
- Under What action should be taken [...], select Allow the connection and click on Next.
- Under When does this rule apply?, check the network types over which clients will attempt to connect to this server, then click on Next.
- In the Name field, give the firewall rule a recognizable name, such as Toon Boom License Manager Daemon or lmgrd.
- Click on Finish.
Repeat all of these steps, but for the Toon Boom Vendor Daemon, which is named toonboom.exe and is at the following location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Toon Boom Animation\Toon Boom [Product Name] [Version] [Edition]\win64\bin\toonboom.exe
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