If you don’t have the prefab from your Harmony Importer, it’s possible to still create a new Harmony Renderer component on an empty Game Object to achieve the same end result.

- Select GameObject > Create Empty.
- Rename the empty GameObject so it's clear in the Hierarchy. Since we're using the PerryPoireau demo file, rename the GameObject to SpaceCat by doing one of the following:
- Double-click on the name and rename it in the Hierarchy.
- Select the GameObject and rename it in the Inspector.
- At this point, it’s an empty object. Accessing Harmony data is done through scripts.
- Select the PerryPoireau GameObject.
- In the Inspector, go to Add Component > Scripts > Harmony Renderer.
Four new sections appear in the Inspector called Mesh Renderer, Harmony Mesh (Mesh Filter), and Harmony Renderer.
From here you need to attach a Harmony Project to this newly created Harmony Renderer. By clicking on the circle at the right of the empty (Harmony Project) slot, you can select the project you have already imported using the steps to create a Harmony Project using the XML Folder workflow.
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