For each re-exported XML file , developers need to manually set import and export paths and perform the import process from the Harmony Importer asset.
This workflow provides flexibility as to where the XML data can live. For example, it can live either inside or outside the Unity project. However, a disadvantage to this workflow is that more mistakes can be made since there are more steps involved. For example, the file path for the TBG importer will have to be manually updated when moving files around.
The resulting Harmony Renderer prefab allows high-performance character rendering by generating a mesh within a C++ plugin. This is preferable for crowds of characters that don’t require complicated custom rendering features.
Importing Anchors
In Harmony, Anchors provide a way to indicate which pegs and drawings are positions of interest for gameplay scripts in Unity. Any drawing or peg can be assigned an Anchor.
Adding Audio Sources
When you create scene files in Harmony with audio, the audio is exported into the project folder. The Harmony Importer will automatically create an AudioSource and add it to the generated Prefab. The Harmony Renderer can then trigger playback of the AudioClip files at points during animation playback, as was authored within Harmony.
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