Once you've finished creating your artwork and cyclable animated character movements in Harmony, it's time to import them into Unity for game integration.

- Create a Unity 2D project.
The SDK Harmony project needs to be imported to your project in order for the assets to be brought in. Do one of the following:
- Go to the Unity Asset Store (assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/31211) and save the Unity SDK file on your computer. Then import it in your project from the following: Top Menu > Asset > Import Package > Custom Package.
- Search for the Unity SDK in the Unity Asset Store, then download and import the package. You can access the Asset Store from the following: Top Menu > Window > Asset Store.
NOTE For each new Unity project, you must repeat step 2 as it contains the necessary files and folders to make the Harmony import process work. -
Add the exported game object to the scene by going to Top Menu > GameObject > Harmony
Harmony Object: Lets you browse for the exported Harmony project folder. If you’ve already saved this to your StreamingAssets folder, you can browse to it through there. Then it adds the Harmony scene to your Unity file, and sets up the rendering, audio, and animation scripts you need to get going.
Harmony Texture Object: Lets you browse for the exported Harmony project folder similarly to Harmony Object, but creates a Unity plane to render your animation on it.
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