Group together the layers that you will bake together. It is recommended to group the layers together from the node view. See Grouping Nodes.
NOTE A bake_group should only have a single input and a single output. This generally means a Composite node must be contained within the bake_group for the export to work properly. Consider also what pegs are needed to guide the drawings, as all pegs must ultimately source from a single peg outside the group. -
In the timeline, add the “bake_” prefix to the beginning of the group name.
See the example below for how a group node with the "bake_" prefix should look. The "group" labeled "hips" should become "bake_hips" for the bake to apply.
If the “bake_” prefix is included in the group name, the group will be analyzed for frames containing unique effects, movements and drawing substitutions, and each unique frame will export as a sprite in the sprite sheet.
New drawing animations for these generated sprites will be created and provided to the game engine. The game engine will not have access to any of the structure inside this group, instead treating the entire group as if it were a single Drawing with drawing substitutions.
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