You can create additional scene data storage spaces for your Harmony database on machines. The database server will connect to these machines to transmit scene data to the clients, allowing you to expand the storage capacity of your database.
Creating a scene data storage space for your Harmony database requires following these steps:
- Creating a folder named usadata followed by the index number of the storage space at the root of the machine.
- Sharing the folder via NFS and, if Windows clients must be supported, via Samba as well.
- Mounting this folder on the database server.
- If Windows clients must be supported, adding this storage server to the server.ini configuration file.
In a terminal, enter the following command, where ### is the padded, zero-based index of the storage space you are creating, replace ### with 001:
$ sudo mkdir -m 777 /usadata###
A folder in which scene data will be stored is created at the root of the filesystem.
- Sharing a scene data storage space is done the exact same way as sharing the server's database file system.
- To share the scene data storage space for macOS and GNU/Linux based clients, see Sharing the Harmony Database Files Using NFS on GNU/Linux.
- To share the scene data storage space for Windows clients, see Sharing the Harmony Database Files Using Samba on GNU/Linux
Once this is done, you should already be able to mount the new scene data storage space on the database server as well as on clients.
In a terminal, create a folder at the root of the filesystem in which the new scene data storage space will be mounted with the following command, where <foldername> is the name of the scene data directory you created on the scene data server:
$ sudo mkdir -m 777 /<foldername>
open the filesystem table in a text editor by typing the following command:
$ sudo vi /etc/fstab
In the filesystem table, add the following line, replacing <servername> with the name of the scene data server and <foldername> with the name of the scene data directory you created on this scene data server:
<servername>:/<foldername> /mnt/<foldername> nfs nfs rw,soft,intr,bg 0 0
- Save and quit.
Attempt to mount the entries of the filesystem table:
$ sudo mount -a
- To make sure that it worked, try creating a file in the new scene data storage, and verify that it's visible from both machines. To do this:
On one machine, enter the following command:
$ touch /<foldername>/testfile
On the other machine, enter the following command to verify that testfile is present
$ ls /<foldername>/
In a terminal, type in the following command:
$ sudo vi /usr/local/ToonBoomAnimation/harmony[Edition]_24/etc/server.ini
If the file was already configured, it most likely contains configuration in the following format:
[WizardConfig] ServerName=<name of Harmony server> InstallationDrive=C UsaShare=usa UsadbDrive=C UsadbShare=USA_DB FileSystem0=C usadata000 <name of first scene data server>
Under the last line starting with FileSystem0 which contains information about an existing scene data storage space, enter the information about your new scene data storage space in the following format:
FileSystem<file system number>=C <share name> <server name>
Replace the tags between <> brackets with the appropriate values. Make sure to remove the <> brackets from the configuration file as well:
- <file system number>: The zero-based index of the scene data storage space. For example, the first scene data storage space for your database should be named FileSystem0 and the second one, FileSystem1.
- <share name>: The name of the share containing the scene data. Usually, this share is either named USADATA or usadata, and its name may be followed by a zero-padded, zero-based number indicating the index of the scene data storage space. For example, the first scene data storage space could be named USADATA, usadata000, usadata001, etc.
- <server name>: The host name of the scene data server. If the scene data storage space is hosted on the same machine as the database, then this host name is the same as the host name for the database. Otherwise, you must specify the name of the machine on which the scene data storage space is located.
For example, if this is your second scene data storage space for your database server, it is hosted on a computer named newdataserver and is named usadata001, its configuration would be as follows:
FileSystem1=C usadata001 newdataserver
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