The first step to creating a Harmony database server is to create the database's file structure on the machine that will be used as the server.
Depending on your version of macOS, you can proceed with the traditional method, which is to create them at the root folder (/) of your filesystem, or in /System/Volumes/Data. This is because macOS 10.15 (Catalina) and later versions do not allow users to create files and folder in the root folder (/).

In Finder, proceed to Applications >
Toon Boom Harmony 24 [Edition] and double-click Harmony [Edition].
The main Harmony application launches.
- In the top menu, select Harmony [Edition] > Tools > Configuration Assistant.
- In the Welcome screen, check the Create a new Toon Boom Harmony database and uncheck all the other options.
Click Continue.
The Create Harmony Database dialog will appear. In this dialog, you can configure the options for your database server.
NOTE If the Hostname field displays a value that ends with .local, this may mean that your machine’s hostname needs to be configured—see Setting the Server Hostname on macOS. -
In the Database Path field, type in /System/Volumes/Data/USA_DB.
- Leave the Create an empty Harmony File System (/USADATA) option unchecked. On macOS Catalina (10.15) and later, you must create those manually.
- Click on Create.
When prompted, enter the username and the password of a user with administrator privileges.
If you want to create a scene data storage space on this server, open a Terminal, then type in the following command:
$ sudo mkdir -p 777 /System/Volumes/Data/usadata000
The database's base file structure is now created. If you have opted to not create a scene data storage space, see Creating a Scene Data Storage Server on macOS to create a storage space for the scenes on your Harmony database.
Now, to configure Harmony to look for the database files in /System/Volumes/Data, we must edit its shortcuts.conf configuration file. In a terminal, enter the following command:
$ vi "/Applications/Toon Boom Harmony 24 [Edition]/Harmony [Edition].app/Contents/tba/etc/shortcuts.conf"
At the top of the file, type the following header line:
shortcut_list :
Under shortcut_list :, add a line specifying the location of the mount point for each of the mounted network shares in the following format:
/<folder name> /<full path to folder>
For example, for USA_DB, you would add the following line:
/USA_DB /System/Volumes/Data/USA_DB
If you created a scene data storage space named usadata000 on your server, add the following line:
/usadata000 /System/Volumes/Data/usadata000
- Save and quit.

In Finder, proceed to Applications >
Toon Boom Harmony 24 [Edition] and double-click Harmony [Edition].
The main Harmony application launches.
- In the top menu, select Harmony [Edition] > Tools > Configuration Assistant.
- In the Welcome screen, check the Create a new Toon Boom Harmony database and uncheck all the other options.
In the Create Harmony Database dialog, you can configure the options for your database server.
NOTE If the Hostname field displays a value that ends with .local, this may mean that your machine’s hostname needs to be configured—see Setting the Server Hostname on macOS. - Click on Create.
When prompted, enter the username and the password of a user with administrator privileges.
If you want to create a scene data storage space on this server, open a Terminal, then type in the following command:
$ sudo mkdir -p 777 /usadata000
The database's base file structure is now created. If you have opted to not create a scene data storage space, see Creating a Scene Data Storage Server on macOS to create a storage space for the scenes on your Harmony database.
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