Setting up the Database Server on Windows
Using the Toon Boom Harmony Configuration Wizard, you can quickly create the basic structure for a Harmony database and install the database server as a Windows service, which will run as user usabatch.

- In the Start menu, open the Programs menu and select Harmony 24 [Edition] > Tools >
Configuration Wizard.
When prompted, enable Configuration Wizard to make changes to your device.
The Toon Boom Harmony Configuration Wizard launches.
- In the list of tasks, right of Database, click on the ... button.
- In the Toon Boom Harmony Database Creation dialog, select Server/Standalone and click on Next.
Under What drive should be used for the database?, select which drive on this machine should be used to store the database's files.
NOTE A USA_DB directory will be created at the root of the selected drive. -
Under What is the UserName?, type in the username of the user account you want to create for the database server service. This will create a local user account on your Windows machine, and this user will be connecting to the network and running the service. By default, this use is named usabatch.
TIP If you already configured a user for a database server or the batch processing service on this machine before, you can type in the name of that existing user. The Configuration Wizard will use this existing user account to run the database server service instead of creating a new one. - Under What is the User Password?, type in the password for the user that will run the database server service. If you are creating a new user, use this field to select their password. If you typed in the user name of an existing user account, type in their actual password.
Click on Next.
The Scene Data Location dialog appears. In this dialog, you can create a scene data storage on this machine. By default, this dialog is already configured to add a single scene data storage to this machine, on the drive C, named usadata000.
- In the User Name and Password fields, make sure the credentials for the scene data location that will be created on your machine match the ones entered for the database server, typed in steps 5 and 6.
- Click on Next.
In the Database changes field, verify that that the changes the wizard is about to make are correct, then click on Finish.
Your database is set-up. At this point, you should already be able to run Control Center from this machine, log-in with the default user usabatch and create scenes and users.
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